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Smithtown Central
School District
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Whom Do I Call?

The 起点传媒 encourages questions from parents and community members about school-related matters. We support direct, open, and respectful communications so that questions and concerns can be resolved quickly and efficiently. Communication should begin with the staff member closest to the situation, as that individual will usually have the most information. Appropriate communication channels for a variety of topics can be found via the link below.

Whom Do I Call?

Office Phone Number
Switchboard/General Information (631) 382-2000
Superintendent of Schools (631) 382-2005
Accounting (631) 382-2120
Accounts Payable (631) 382-2126
Adult Basic Education (631) 382-2181
Adult Continuing Education (631) 382-2090
Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum and Assessment (631) 382-2035
Assistant Superintendent - Finance and Operations (631) 382-2115
Assistant Superintendent - Instruction and Administration (631) 382-2030
Assistant Superintendent - Personnel (631) 382-2160
Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Personnel Services (631) 382-2070
Benefits/Workers' Compensation (631) 382-2175
Central Registration (631) 382-2024
Child Nutrition Program (631) 382-5500
District Clerk (631) 382-2012
Facilities Department (631) 382-4130
Information Technology Services (631) 382-2050
McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison (631) 382-2070
Payroll (631) 382-2135
Personnel - Certified (631) 382-2165
Personnel - Non-Certified (631) 382-2170
Physical Education, Athletics and Health (631) 382-2100
Printing and Mailing, Central (631) 382-2145
Purchasing (631) 382-2150
Security (631) 382-2025
Security - Command Center (monitored 24/7) (631) 382-2022
Special Education Preschool (631) 382-2085
Teachers' Center (631) 382-2111
Transportation (631) 382-4100
Warehouse (631) 382-5515